Friday, April 12, 2019

Big Business

Big Business
aka: Big Biz *
Seattle, Washington, United States
Heavy metal, sludge metal, stoner rock

Big Business is an American heavy metal band from Seattle, Washington, United States, founded by Jared Warren (Karp) and Coady Willis (The Murder City Devils).
In late 2006, after relocating to Los Angeles, Jared and Coady both became members of The Melvins.

Tour EP (2004)
Head for the Shallow (2005)
Tour EP II (2006)
Here Come the Waterworks (2007)
Tour EP III (2008)
Mind the Drift (2009)
Quadruple Single EP * (2011)
Battlefields Forever (2013)
Command Your Weather (2016)
The Beast You Are (2019)