Monday, September 20, 2004


New York City, New York, U.S.
Crossover thrash, metalcore, hardcore punk

SubZero is a New York-based punk metal band that was formed in 1989. The band was created by Rich Kennon of NYHC band Breakdown and Jim Eaton of the New York-based straight edge band Up Front. After hooking up with singer Lou Di Bella and bassist Larry Susi who had played in various local bands in the New York area together, SubZero was finalized. SubZero is one of the longest active bands in the New York hardcore scene, despite a period of inactivity in the late 1990s due to singer Lou Di Bella's bout with Acute lymphoblastic leukemia. He claims his harrowing experiences while in the hospital and numerous brushes with death have made him into a stronger person, evidenced by the lyrics to "Lionhearted", as well as a tongue-in-cheek tattoo across his sternum reading "Cancer Killah". SubZero have toured the world many times over as headliners and as a support group under national acts as well.

Happiness Without Peace (1996) Reis.
Necropolis "City of the Damned" (2003)
The Suffering of Man (2004)